Buchu and Its Place in the Skin Care Industry

The buchu plant has a long and storied history and is considered by many as an effective remedy for various ailments when ingested or when applied topically. BuchuVida® is exploring new ways in which buchu can be used to change the natural skin care industry. How can a shrub change the natural skin care industry? Buchu possesses antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that strengthen the effectiveness of natural skin care and personal care products.

Many of the issues that we experience when it comes to both skin care and personal care are caused by bacteria, inflammation and yes, in some cases, fungi. Naturally, to counteract these pesky problems we head to the store and grab a stick of deodorant, a facial toner or whichever product meets our needs. That’s the way it used to be at least. Now, with our understanding of the potential risks and side effects of certain chemicals in conventional skin care and personal care products, more and more people are looking for natural skin care solutions. These people are then discovering that it can be difficult to find natural alternatives that work for them. This conundrum was what led to the research of the buchu plant for the purpose of skin care and its eventual inclusion into natural skin care and personal care products. 

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bacteria & Fungi

Bacteria can wreak havoc on our skin, faces, scalp and in places like our underarms causing blemishes, redness, odor and many other issues. The antibacterial properties of buchu put an end to this bacterial activity by eliminating and preventing growth of bacteria on the skin’s surface. This helps keep the skin healthy and odor free. The antibacterial characteristics of buchu resulted in a patented deodorant formulary that has been refined and proven effective. There are also various microorganisms such as bacteria and fungus that prefer to set up shop in the sensitive scalp microbiome contributing to any number of issues from dandruff, to hair loss to scalp psoriasis. Buchu, as an ingredient in shampoo, aids in the removal and prevention of these scalp irritants keeping your scalp free of unwanted fungus and bacteria without damaging your hair.


Long-touted by buchu advocates is also the use of buchu as an anti-inflammatory. There have been a number of studies that have suggested that regular, controlled consumption of buchu can reduce production of inflammatory agents within the body thereby causing a reduction in inflammation itself. The most commonly studied effects of buchu are those pertaining to the reduction of inflammation in the prostate and urethra which have shown positive results that indicate a correlation between the consumption of buchu and a reduction in inflammation. For these reasons buchu is being included in skin care products to be applied to areas that may experience inflammation such as the face. This helps reduce redness or blemishes present on the skin. There are also studies that suggest that scalp inflammation can contribute to hair loss. I think you can probably figure out where this is going. That’s right, buchu and its specialization as an anti-inflammatory can help reduce inflammation of the scalp and hair follicles potentially leading to a reduction in hair loss.


buchu in skin Care?

So how exactly is a leaf used in skin care products? The oils which provide the benefits are extracted from the leaves and introduced to an aqueous solution. The solution is then used as the base of the skin care and personal care products. This allows the oils to retain their integrity and effectiveness so that whichever product they are included in you can receive the maximum benefits. If you, like many people, are struggling to find skin care products or personal care products that work effectively to reduce and prevent bacteria, fungi, and inflammation and to keep your skin healthy, give buchu based products a try! BuchuVida offers a number of buchu based natural products and is continuing to develop more. Check out the shop and use the links below to follow BuchuVida on social media for news, updates on new products and giveaways!


CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own healthcare provider.

Philip Feltman