How To Make Buchu Tea

Brewing tea is an art form that requires patience, precision, and attention to detail. 

Buchu tea has gained popularity in recent years due to its many health benefits. Buchu tea is made from the leaves of the Agathosma betulina plant, which is native to South Africa. The plant has been used for centuries by traditional healers. 

People have used buchu to treat various ailments, including: 

  • urinary tract infections, 

  • digestive problems, and inflammation. 

Today, buchu tea is enjoyed worldwide for its unique flavour and health benefits.

Six Steps To Make Buchu Tea

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients

First, gather all the necessary ingredients. 

For this recipe, you'll need high-quality, organic buchu leaves. You can buy buchu leaves from BuchuVida and others.

You will also need water, a pot or a kettle to boil the water. Use a fine mesh strainer or tea infuser to strain the tea. 

You can add honey or any other sweetener if you prefer sweetened tea. Gathering the sweeter beforehand makes preparation easier.

Step 2: Boil the Water

Once you have gathered all your ingredients, the next step is to boil the water. Bring two cups of water to a boil in a saucepan or kettle.

Step 3: Add the Buchu Leaves

After the water has reached boiling point, add one tablespoon of dried buchu leaves to the water. 

Step 4: Steep the Tea

Cover the saucepan or kettle and let the tea steep for 5-10 minutes. The longer you steep, the stronger the flavor will be. Be careful not to over steep the tea, as it will taste bitter.

Step 5: Strain the Tea

After the tea has steeped, strain the tea leaves out of the water using a fine mesh strainer or tea infuser. BuchuVida recommends using a tea infuser. Doing so ensures no leaves are in your tea. Using a strainer results in a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Step 6: Serve and Enjoy

Finally, serve the tea in a teapot or teacup and enjoy! If you prefer your tea to be sweetened, add honey or another sweetener to taste.

Tips for the Perfect Cup of Buchu Tea

  • Use high-quality, organic buchu leaves for the best flavour and health benefits.

  • Don't oversteep the tea. Steeping for too long can result in a bitter taste.

  • Use filtered water for the best taste and to avoid any impurities in tap water.

  • Experiment with the amount of buchu leaves and steeping time to find your perfect cup of buchu tea.

  • Try different sweeteners like agave syrup or maple syrup for a unique taste.

  • You can add herbs and spices to your buchu tea, such as ginger, lemon, and mint.

Health Benefits of Buchu Tea

Buchu tea is known for its many health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, which help to fight off free radicals that can cause damage to cells. 

Buchu is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help to reduce inflammation in the body. 

Additionally, buchu tea is known to have antimicrobial properties. These antimicrobial properties can help to fight off harmful bacteria and viruses. 

Buchu tea is also believed to help with digestion and to have a diuretic effect. Both can help to reduce bloating.

In addition to its health benefits, buchu tea is also a great alternative to coffee. You can avoid jitters or crashes associated with coffee.

Considerations and Precautions

  • Consult your healthcare provider if you're pregnant, nursing, or on medication. Buchu tea can interact with certain conditions and medicines.

  • Overconsumption can lead to stomach issues and liver toxicity. Limit intake to moderate levels.

Key Point

Brewing the perfect cup of buchu tea is easy once you know the steps. These instructions and tips help you enjoy a delicious and healthy cup of buchu tea anytime. 


Where can I buy buchu leaves?

You can buy buchu leaves from BuchuVida. Buchu leaves can be found in some health food stores. Sometimes, you can buy buchu in stores specializing in African or herbal products.

How much buchu leaves should I use?

Generally, 1-2 teaspoons of dried or fresh buchu leaves are enough for one cup of tea. Adjust according to your taste preference.

What is the ideal water temperature for brewing buchu tea?

The recommended water temperature is between 200-212°F (93-100°C).

How long should I steep buchu tea?

It's best to steep buchu tea for 5-7 minutes. Longer steeping might result in a stronger taste, up to the point of bitterness.

Can I drink buchu tea every day?

Buchu tea has many potential health benefits. Yet it's crucial to consume it in moderation. Consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Is buchu tea safe for pregnant or nursing women?

Consult a healthcare provider if you're pregnant, nursing, or have any medical conditions. Do so before consuming buchu tea.

Can buchu tea interact with medications?

Yes, Buchu tea can interact with certain medications, particularly diuretics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Consult your healthcare provider for guidance.

Can I use buchu tea for detox?

Buchu tea has diuretic properties and is sometimes used as a detoxifying agent. However, it's important to use buchu responsibly. Consult a healthcare provider for advice.

Can I cold-brew buchu tea?

Yes, you can cold-brew buchu tea. The flavour profile and extraction of beneficial compounds may vary compared to hot brewing. Try drinking cold brew buchu and hot buchu tea.

Can buchu tea be consumed by children?

It's best to consult a healthcare provider before giving buchu tea to children, especially those under the age of 12.

Can buchu tea go bad?

Yes, like other herbal teas, buchu leaves can go stale or mouldy if not stored properly. Keep them in an airtight container away from light and moisture.

Is buchu tea caffeine-free?

Yes, buchu tea is caffeine-free. It's a good option for those looking to avoid stimulants.

Can I reuse buchu leaves for multiple brews?

You can reuse buchu leaves for multiple brews. However, the flavour and potency will diminish with each successive brew. It's best to use new buchu leaves for each cup for the greatest benefit.

How should I store buchu leaves?

Store buchu leaves in a cool, dark place in an airtight container. Doing so maintains buchu's freshness and potency.

Can I mix buchu leaves with other herbs or teas?

Yes, buchu leaves can be blended with others. For example, herbs like mint or chamomile can be used. Pairing buchu with other herbs offers a customized flavour and benefits.

Mackenzie Bailey