Buchu Powder

Buchu Powder


Looking for an all-natural way to improve your health and well-being? Look no further than buchu powder. This potent powder is made from 100% finely-ground buchu leaves and has many health benefits.

Individual Glass Air-Tight Containers: 1oz (28.34g)

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Excellent herb. Full of fresh aroma and flavor. Somewhat like mint and pennyroyal. Seems to have a good GI and UT effect.
— Gilbert W

What Makes This Product Great

  • Buchu is traditionally used to treat digestive problems, inflammation, and viral infections.

  • It is also a powerful diuretic, helping to flush out toxins and excess water from the body. 

  • Buchu powder is easy to use. Add a scoop of Buchu powder to your favorite beverage or smoothie, and enjoy the benefits of this amazing superfood!

Preparation Instructions 

  1. Add 1/4 teaspoon of powder to the mug.

  2. Pour 6-8 ounces of 208 degree water over the powder.

  3. Whisk thoroughly.

  4. Cover, let steep for 5 - 7 minutes, and enjoy!


Do not use while pregnant except under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner. Use with caution in persons with kidney inflammation. Consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly for nursing women or those on any medications.

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Buchu Tea

from $13.00
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Bulk Buchu Leaf

Bulk Buchu Leaf
